Arc de Triomphe


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Prices & Opening Times


Full price €13
EU visitors under 26: Free
Paris Museum Pass holders: Free

Free Entry

Paris Museum Pass holders
Visitors under 18
(or under 26 residing in the EU)

Tickets Cancelation Policy

Official website

Affiliated partner
Free cancellation up to 24H in advance
Same price as official website (13€)
Buy ticket here

Opening times

10am – 11pm (Apr – Sep)
10am – 10:30pm (Oct – Mar)

Last admission: 45 minutes before closing

Closed on…

January 1st, May 1st, May 8 (morning), July 14 (morning), November 11 (morning) and December 25

How to get there


Place Charles de Gaulle


Metro: Charles de Gaulle – Étoile
Bus: 22, 30, 31, 52, 73, 92
RER: Charles de Gaulle – Étoile

Vélib‘ Stations:

rue Arsène Houssaye, avenue Hoche, rue Beaujon, rue Balzac and rue Traktir

History Timeline

1806: Napoleon I orders the construction of the Arc de Triomphe to commemorate  his victory at the 1805 battle of Austerlitz.

1815: Construction on the Arc de Triomphe comes to a halt following Napoleon I’s downfall.

1824: Construction on the Arc de Triomphe recommences.

1836: The Arc de Triomphe is completed during the reign of King Louis Philippe.

1840: The remains of Napoleon I pass beneath the Arc de Triomphe en route to their final resting place at Les Invalides.

1871: In the wake of their victory in the Franco-Prussian War, German forces march beneath the Arc de Triomphe.

1919: Following their triumph in World War I, the French parade under the Arc de Triomphe.

1940: In the aftermath of their victory in the Battle of France, German forces march beneath the Arc de Triomphe.

1944: The French and their Allies march under the Arc de Triomphe to celebrate their victory in World War II.



Eat & Drink nearby

Plachutta Wollzeile

Wollzeile 38, Vienna
Phone: +43 1 5121577
Website (english version)

11.30 am to 11.30 pm (Daily)
Kitchen closes: 11.00 pm

Known for their traditional Viennese cuisine, particularly their Tafelspitz (boiled beef) and various kinds of Knödel (dumplings)

Zum Schwarzen Kameel

Bognergasse 5, Vienna
Phone: +43 1 5338125
Website (german only)

8.00 am to midnight (Daily)

A gourmet restaurant that serves traditional Viennese cuisine with a modern twist

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