Louvre Museum



Adult: 11,50 €

Free Entry

Paris Museum Pass holders
Visitors under 18
EU national under 26

Tickets Cancelation Policy

Non-exchangeable and non-refundable.

Opening times

9 am – 6 pm (Wed – Sun)
On Fridays, closes at 9.45 pm

Last admission: 1 hour before closing
Clearing of rooms: 30 minutes before closing

Closed on…

1st January, 1st May and 25th December

Entrances location

Pyramid: Place du Carrousel
Carrousel du Louvre: Rue de Rivoli
Porte des Lions: Quai François Mitterrand
Passage Richelieu: Rue de Rivoli


Metro: Pyramides (line 14) or Palais-Royal / Musée du Louvre (lines 1, 7)
Bus: 21, 27, 39, 67, 68, 69, 72, 74, 85, 95
Car park: 1 Avenue du Général Lemonier

Nearby Vélib‘ Stations

2 place A. Malraux (1015)
165 rue Saint-Honoré (1023)
5 rue de l’Echelle (1014)
186 rue Saint-Honoré (1013)

  • The Mona Lisa: A painting by Leonardo da Vinci that is one of the most famous artworks in history. It is located in Denon Wing, room 7111.
  • Venus de Milo: A sculpture of a Greek goddess that is considered a masterpiece of ancient art. It is located in Sully Wing, room 3461.
  • Winged Victory of Samothrace: A sculpture of a winged female figure that represents victory. It is located at the top of a staircase in Denon Wing, room 7031.
  • Michelangelo’s Slaves: Two unfinished sculptures by Michelangelo that show his mastery of anatomy and expression. They are located in Denon Wing, room 4031.
  • I.M. Pei’s Pyramid: A modern glass pyramid that serves as the main entrance to the museum. It contrasts with the classical architecture of the former royal palace.
Eat & Drink nearby

Bistrot Benoit au Louvre

Location: Under the Pyramid (Level -2)

Located inside the Louvre Museum

Web | Phone: +33(0)1 40 20 53 20

Daily: 11:45 am to 5:30 pm

Friday: until 8 p.m. (during school holidays)

Menu costs €31,50 (pdf)

Le Fumoir

Location: 6 rue de l’amiral Coligny

Web (french) | Phone: +33(0) 1 42 92 00 24

Email: le.fumoir@icloud.com

Web | Phone: +33(0)1 40 20 53 20

Email: reservation@loulou-paris.com

Opposite to the colonnades of the Louvre Museum.

Daily: 9 am to 1 am

Sunday: Brunch from 11.30 am to 3pm.

Menu (pdf): Lunch | Dinner | Brunch


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Louvre Entrances

The Louvre Museum has four main entrances:

Pyramid Entrance
  • Location: Rue de Rivoli
  • Transports: accessible by metro line 1 and 7 (station Palais-Royal Musée du Louvre) or by bus lines 21, 24, 27, 39, 48, 68, 69, 72, 81 and 95 (stop Palais-Royal Musée du Louvre)
  • Visitors: with tickets, Paris Museum Pass, membership card, or without tickets; disabled visitors
  • Features: iconic glass pyramid designed by I.M. Pei; direct access to main galleries; usually the busiest entrance
Carrousel Entrance
  • Location: 99 rue de Rivoli
  • Transports: accessible by metro line 1 and 7 (station Palais-Royal Musée du Louvre) or by bus lines 21, 24, 27, 39, 48, 68, 69, 72, 81 and 95 (stop Palais-Royal Musée du Louvre)
  • Visitors: with tickets or Paris Museum Pass
  • Features: underground entrance; connected to a shopping mall; access to inverted pyramid; less crowded than the Pyramid entrance
Porte des Lions Entrance
  • Location: Quai François Mitterrand
  • Transports: accessible by metro line 1 (station Tuileries) or by bus lines 24 and 69 (stop Pont des Tuileries).
  • Visitors: with tickets or Paris Museum Pass
  • Features: smaller entrance; near Seine river; may be closed on some days; no lockers available to store large bags or bicycle helmets
Richelieu Entrance
  • Location: 93 rue de Rivoli
  • Transports: accessible by metro line 1 and 7 (station Palais-Royal Musée du Louvre) or by bus lines 21, 24, 27, 39, 48, 68, 69, 72, 81 and 95 (stop Palais-Royal Musée du Louvre)
  • Visitors: with tickets, Paris Museum Pass, membership card, or group reservation
  • Features: underground entrance near metro station; access to Napoleon III apartments

Louvre Museum Timeline

1190 – Fortress built on the Right Bank of the Seine under the Reign of King Philippe Auguste to control the growing capital
1214 – Used to house the royal treasure and archives, but also as a prison.
1527 – François I makes the Louvre his official residence.
1564 – The Tuileries Castle is commissioned.
1566 – Construction of the small gallery now known as the Apollo Gallery.
1674 – The court moves to the Palace of Versailles and work on the Louvre is abandoned. The royal painting collection is housed with a museum-like organization in the Louvre and the Hôtel de Gramont.
1791-92 – After the French Revolution, the royal collection is transformed into a national collection.
1793 – The Central Museum of Arts is opened.
1800 – Napoleon Bonaparte starts living in the Tuileries Palace.
1810-14 – Construction of the north wing.
1945 – The collection evacuated during World War II is gradually restored and the galleries reopen.
1993 – Opening of the galleries in the Richelieu wing.
1997 – Opening of the galleries in the Denon wing.
1999 – Opening of the galleries at the Lions Gate.

Highlights by collection

  • Egyptian Antiquities: The Seated Scribe; The Great Sphinx of Tanis; The Mummy of Unknown Man E
  • Near Eastern Antiquities: The Code of Hammurabi; The Human-headed Winged Bull (Lamassu); The Victory Stele of Naram-Sin
  • Greek, Etruscan and Roman Antiquities: The Venus de Milo; The Winged Victory of Samothrace; The Dying Slave by Michelangelo
  • Islamic Art: The Baptistery of Saint-Louis; The Rock Crystal Ewer; The Pyxis of al-Mughira
  • Sculpture: Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss by Antonio Canova; Tomb of Philippe Pot; Ugolino and His Sons by Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux
  • Decorative Arts: The Apollo Gallery (Hall of Mirrors); Napoleon III Apartments; Crown Jewels
  • Paintings: Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci; Liberty Leading the People by Eugène Delacroix; The Raft of Medusa by Théodore Géricault
  • Prints and Drawings: Self-portrait at Twenty-Eight Years Old Wearing a Coat with Fur Collar by Albrecht Dürer; The Three Crosses by Rembrandt van Rijn; The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Katsushika Hokusai

Louvre Masterpieces

Aphrodite, known as the Venus de Milo

• Found in fragments on the Greek island of Melos (Milos) in 1820
• King Louis XVIII handed it over to the Louvre in 1821
• Unlike most Greek statues, which are actually Roman copies, this is a genuinely Greek example
• The properly proportioned dimensions of the body are noteworthy
• Its original appearance still remains a mystery, with speculations about its missing arms.

The Winged Victory of Samothrace
• Denon wing
• Found on the island of Samothrace in the Sanctuary of the Great Gods
• Originally placed in a high position in the sanctuary
• Depicts a woman with wings perched on the prow of a ship
• Initially displayed without the wings or ship, the complete ensemble was perceived 10 years later and underwent restoration.

Slaves by Michelangelo
• The two sculptures represent two slaves in different postures – The Rebellious Slave and The Dying Slave
• The work was commissioned to Michelangelo for a funerary monument to the Pope, but the project was abandoned, leaving the pieces unfinished.

Mona Lisa
•Painted by Leonardo da Vinci’s using sfumato technique
•Sfumato is a technique that employs subtle gradations of light and shadow to create shape.
•The painting depicts a figure with a sculptural face revealing da Vinci’s knowledge of the skull under the skin.
•Many art historians think the picture depicts Madam Lisa Giocondo, the wife of a rich Florentine (because of Giorgio Vasari’s biography of Leonardo da Vinci)

The Wedding Feast at Cana by Paolo Caliari, known as Veronese
• It is the largest painting in the Louvre, covering 70 square meters
• Located on the opposite side of the Mona Lisa
• It was commissioned to decorate the refectory of a monastery in Venice
• It was confiscated in 1797 by Napoleon’s troops and sent to Paris
• The author transposed the biblical scene to the setting of a Venetian banquet.

The Raft of the Medusa by Théodore Géricault
• Denon wing
• Became part of the Louvre collection in 1824 after the painter’s death
• Illustrates the dramatic scene of the French ship Medusa’s shipwreck in 1816 off the African coast
• The ship drifted for 12 days, and only 15 of the 150 people on board survived
• In preparation, the artist spent 8 months visiting morgues and hospitals, observing the dead and dying.

Liberty Leading the People by Eugène Delacroix
• Denon wing
• Probably Delacroix’s most famous work
• Depicts a barricade during the three-day Parisian revolt in July 1830 (not the French Revolution of 1789, as is commonly believed)
• The allegorical figure of Liberty is the central element.

Great Sphinx of Tanis
• The sphinx was located in the temple dedicated to the god Amun-Ra.
• It has a lion body representing the god Horus and a human head representing the king.

The ‘Seated Scribe’
• It is one of the most iconic pieces in the Louvre museum
• It is unknown who it represents, as the base where the figure’s name could be found has never been found.

Code of Hammurabi
• A piece from Mesopotamia that is one of the oldest legal texts ever found, predating the Bible, for example.
• The Babylonian king Hammurabi had similar stelae carved for distribution throughout the kingdom.
• It has 300 inscribed articles in cuneiform writing, establishing examples of which punishments should be applied for various crimes.

The Private Apartments of the Minister
• A set of rooms where the State Minister and his family lived (small apartments) and where formal receptions were held (large apartments).
• Commonly referred to as Napoleon III’s apartments because of their decorative style.
• The emperor and his family did not live here, but rather in the now-vanished Tuileries Palace.

The Pyramid by Ming Pei
• Built between 1985 and 1989
• It is 19 meters high
• Its construction generated some controversy due to fears that it would detract from the rest of the architecture
• However, it became one of the Louvre’s most iconic and economical features.

This month at the Louvre

Closed Rooms this month

From April 19 to June 4

Closed rooms

June 5

Closed rooms

Upcoming Temporary Exhibitions

Naples in Paris
The Louvre Hosts the Museo di Capodimonte

7 June 2023–8 January 2024
Denon wing: Salon Carré and Grande Galerie
Sully wing: Salle de la Chapelle

7 June–25 September 2023
Sully wing: Salle de l’Horloge

Nearby attractions

There are several attractions near the Louvre Museum in Paris, France that you might want to consider visiting. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Tuileries Garden: Located between the Louvre Museum and Place de la Concorde, this beautiful public garden is a great place to relax and take a stroll. You can enjoy the fountains, statues, and seasonal flowers.
  2. Place Vendôme: This square is known for its luxury shops and fine dining. It also features the Vendôme Column, which was erected by Napoleon I to commemorate the Battle of Austerlitz.
  3. Palais-Royal: A former royal palace, this historic building now houses the Council of State and the Ministry of Culture. You can also explore the lovely gardens and arcades.
  4. Musée de l’Orangerie: This museum is located in the Tuileries Garden and features works by famous artists like Monet, Renoir, and Cézanne.
  5. Pont Neuf: Iconic bridge spans the Seine River and offers great views of the city. It’s also a popular spot for street performers and artists.
  6. Sainte-Chapelle: Gothic-style chapel is located on the Île de la Cité and features stunning stained glass windows.
  7. Notre-Dame Cathedral: Also located on the Île de la Cité and is one of the most famous landmarks in Paris. Although it suffered a devastating fire in 2019, it’s still worth visiting to see the Gothic architecture and historic artifacts.

These are just a few of the many attractions near the Louvre Museum that you can explore during your visit to Paris.

Frequently Asked Questions

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The Louvre is located in the 1st arrondissement of Paris, at the Rue de Rivoli.

    The Louvre is open every day except Tuesday, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. On Fridays it’s open until 9:45pm

The online adul admission ticket for the Louvre costs € 17. Admission is free for those under 18 years old or for those under 26 if they are residents of the EEA.

Photography is allowed for personal use in the permanent collection, but flash photography selfie sticks and tripods are not permitted.

No, any exit is final unless you have a pass like The Paris Museum Pass.

The time needed to visit the Louvre can vary depending on individual interests and pace, but it is recommended to allocate at least 2-3 hours for a comprehensive visit. It may also not be advisable to visit much longer as you may experience museum fatigue.

It is not possible to see all the art in the Louvre in one day, as the museum contains over 35,000 works of art and is spread out over several buildings and wings. Visitors should plan their visit accordingly and prioritize which works they would like to see.

Yes, the Louvre is accessible for people with disabilities and has facilities such as elevators, wheelchairs, and audio guides.